Experience Trips
Want to build your confidence, experience and knowledge to take on a bikepacking challenge or race?
This is the trip for you!
Why do an experience trip?
Build your confidence, knowledge and experience in a fun and safe environment!
It took me years of trial-and-error learning to gain the deep experience and knowledge I have. Shortcut this painful technique and come learn directly and efficiently from me.
We will learn through doing, on the go experience is the best way to really learn. While reading a blog or book can give you some ideas, when you get out there into the wild you’ll only have a rough idea and false confidence. Come with me and get real confidence.
Doing an ultra-endurance race or bikepacking event is a big, and perhaps expensive undertaking, so maximise your potential to be your best.
What the trips Are:
An educational trip.
A safe space to build knowledge and experience relevant to bikepacking and ultra-racing.
Learn on the go, hands on, as we create and solve problems.
Aimed at novice to intermediate riders.
Non-drop riding.
What the trips arent:
Physical training camp – you can get fit later.
A suffer fest.
Technical mountain biking.
A luxury bike tour.
A bike tour with following van.
Trips currently on offer:
See below.
(if not suitable, contact me to discuss alternatives or bespoke offers and suggestions on alternative locations).
Current Available trips
Mid mountain Experience Weekend
Date: 13 - 16th March 2025
Location: Girona/Barcelona, Spain
Cost: 435 euros (not including accommodation or food)
No. people: Four to six people maximum
Meet: 13th March (Afternoon)
Return: 16th March (Mid-morning)
Accommodation: Outside camping – rain or shine!
Suitable for: Novice to intermediate riders looking to take on a mid mountain bikepacking challenge, off-road and at times a little remote. Mid mountain events might look like: Hellenic Mountain Race, Highland Trail 550, Further, El Piri, Trans Balkan Race, Atlas Mountain Race. Ask if you’re not sure.
Topics covered: Strategy, equipment, physical demands, mental resilience, mechanics, problem solving, good decision making.
Includes: Pre-trip online meeting and planning of kit requirements. Copy of JMH Mentoring ‘Ultra Racing Manual’. Post event debrief and access to discussion group.
Interested in being your best?!
Email me to express interest or find out more!